Saturday, June 5, 2010

At long last, the recital!

Finally, finally, finally......the recital! Katey was thrilled that Gam, Aunt Ginny, Susan and Greg were coming to see her perform. It was a loooooooooooooooong program and Katey's dance wasn't until after intermission, but we all hunkered down and enjoyed the show......wasn't as dreadful as I had anticipated......actually, not bad at all. Katey was great.......she is so graceful and it was a joy to watch her. Afterwards she was (beyond) thrilled to receive roses and a dance trophy! When she came in to wake me up this morning, the first thing she said was "I love my trophy.....I never got one before!" A hit ;) 4 more days of school and then we gear up for summer.....but, after last night, one less hurdle before the finish line!!!


Lesa said...

How Lovely. I hate even posting our videos due to the fact that they are crap. Ha Well at least the last two are for sure.
Katey's costume is lovely. You don't happen to have it on video do you?

Leigh said...

I do have the dress rehearsal on video, but have no clue how to get it on my computer. It was fun glad it's over! :)

Lesa said...

Download it to your photos and then go to your blog like you are writing new message. Instead of adding a photo press the video pic beside the photo spot and it will pull up "browse" then you can upload it to your blog.
Try it.

Mike unfortunately took the shakiest video this time. I'm going to order the professional one!