Saturday, January 16, 2010

The latest from here........

Had to laugh when I went upstairs and saw this "keep out" sign on Katey's door! She said it was not meant for me, but since I am the only other person who lives here, I begged to differ. :) Thought I'd also share her adorableness waiting to leave for church last weekend AND her highness with her Ultimate Snuggie (child size!)......she thinks the commercial is hysterical so I got her one as a joke for Christmas......$15.......might need to rethink my jokes! :) It's finally warmer here......high of 75ish and rain on the way......nice reprieve from the 40's!!!

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Wendy and Mike's mother made a sign like that to keep us out of her room when they visited our first year here. It was so funny cause Wendy thought it up herself and then had a plastic jar outside for those who wanted in had to pay. LOL

Aren't our girls a hoot?!