Monday, January 25, 2010

Gasparilla 2010

We made it through another parade! (Fortunately) we didn't get as many beads as last year, although we raked in quite a few. There was a greedy boy right next to Katey who was reaching in front of the kids grabbing beads right out of their hands.......I actually grabbed some back from him a few times since they were from MY friends, directed TO Katey. I think Katey's favorite "get" was a stuffed pug that someone tossed to her. She named it "Lucy Bowden," after the real LB (a boxer). Fun day.........glad it's over for another year! :)


Lesa said...

Wow, she got a Webkinz? That is wonderful!!
What on earth do you do with all of those beads. You need to string them and attach to your door frame. lol

Leigh said...

I'm telling you, it's a pretty big parade. They toss beads, stuffed animals, t-shirts, frisbees, etc. Katey LOVES her pug!! (nasty little kid next to her tried to grab it from her and she'd have NONE of that!) What to do with the beads.....well, I let her keep them all for a while, until I get sick of them everywhere, stepping on them, etc. Then I have her pick out her absolute favorites that usually total 50 or so. I put the rest in a very large bag and give them to my friend Sita who rides on a float in the parade....all about recycling!! By the time the parade rolls around next year, I will have successfully gotten rid of (either by trash or recycling) most of them. There are some really special ones that we do get and keep, but most, give away. The week after the children's parade is the "real" Gasparilla parade for the adults. We leave town for that one since we live so close to the water/parade route. Lots of beads, lots of drunks....I participated every year in my "youth," and quite well I might add ;) but I'm over it.

Lesa said...

Sounds like fun!

Hey, have you decided what you will be doing for summer vacation?