Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just an update on us.....

Not a whole lot going on here. Katey woke up Sunday night crying of a headache and feeling like she'd just walked through a forest fire. It was pretty scary. I gave her Tylenol and put her in a cool bath for about 15 minutes. I will say she was a trooper. If someone had tried to put me in a cool (or even luke warm) bath, I would have told them to take a hike. Took her to see Dr. Baker on Monday and her temp was 103. Ran a bunch of tests, but nothing. We've ridden it out with Tylenol, Motrin and cough syrups. She's better.......I can tell because she's got her little "attitude" back. I kept her home today but think she'll be heading off to school tomorrow. She was doing a puzzle today so I snapped a picture.....just to update the blog. Lesa, notice her jammies......the top is the nightgown that she had, the bottoms are the bottoms to the pj's you sent to her. That is her nightwear of choice(so comfy!)....I had to pry them off of her yesterday to wash them.....getting a little stiff.....yuk! Hope everyone is's in the 30's today here!!! BRRRRRRRRRR!

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Wendy loves here jammies as well. Sorry to hear Katey was feeling awful. Not fun being sick. Not sure who it is rougher on us or them...

Take care