Friday, October 17, 2008

No school, what to do?

Go to the zoo! Katey and I went to the zoo this morning and had a great time. For the first time ever she wanted to ride the camels......she's always been adamantly against it so it was exciting. We saw the penguins, Katey swears one waved at her (it did look like it!), the manatees, the sting rays (that we both touched.....quite slimy!), and other assorted animals. When we were at the rays tank, after whispering to them to get ahold of their kin and play better Saturday night (ALCS.....we had it won last night and then blew it!), we noticed that the other 4 children there were also was pretty cool. There was a set of twins there who both (duh, identical!) looked exactly like Anna Grace was a little eerie, the resemblance. We wrapped up with a spin on the banana ride. It's very hard to get a picture of a child on a ride spinning fast but I did the best I's blurry, but I think it's pretty cool. Hope you all are having a good day, and if you don't have a preference, pull for TB tomorrow night......GO RAYS!


Lesa said...

I wish we could have a cool zoo near us. The closest one is 4 hours away to Albuquerque NM or 3 hours to Oklahoma City. We have a zoo here, but not much of one.

You're right she does look like Anna Grace!!

Gina said...

That is so funny that you said the little girl looked like Anna Grace. I was thinkging the EXACT same thing before I saw your caption. I know you want cooler weather, but we're already wearing coats to the bus stop and I don't like it:) Steve is pulling for the Rays!

Leigh said...

Gina, that picture didn't even do justice. As much as she resembles Anna Grace in the picture, she (and her twin) were dead-on matches for AG. It really took my breath away.

Sue said...

We love the Tampa zoo. We got Friday off taken away from us to make up for a hurricane day.

We do have Monday off but Lizzi Lu(aka Elizabeth) is getting her tonsils and adenoids removed at All Childrens on Monday.

Hi Lesa and Gina.

See you the 29th(fingers crossed)

Go Rays.


Lesa said...

Sue, if you read this give Elizabeth a huge hug from us. I do so hope you can make it. It won't be the same without you guys.